자주 사용되는 엑셀 함수
ABS(x) Returns the absolute value of x.
ACOS(x) Returns the angle (in radians) whose cosine is x.
ASIN(x) Returns the angle (in radians) whose sine is x.
ATAN(x) Returns the angle (in radians) whose tangent is x.
AVERAGE(x1, x2, . . .) Returns the average of x1, x2, . . . .
COS(x) Returns the cosine of x.
COSH(x) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x.
COUNT(x1, x2, . . .) Determines how many numbers are in the list of arguments.
DEGREES(x) Converts x radians to degrees.
EXP(x) Returns ex, where e is the base of the natural (Naperian) system of logarithms.
INT(x) Rounds x down to the closest integer.
LN(x) Returns the natural logarithm of x (x > 0).
LOG10(x) Returns the base-10 logarithm of x (x > 0).
MAX(x1, x2, . . .) Returns the largest of x1, x2, . . . .
MEDIAN(x1, x2, . . .) Returns the median of x1, x2, . . . .
MIN(x1, x2, . . .) Returns the smallest of x1, x2, . . . .
MODE(x1, x2, . . .) Returns the mode of x1, x2, . . . .
PI( ) Returns the value of π. (The empty parentheses are required.)
RADIANS(x) Converts x degrees to radians.
RAND( ) Returns a random value between 0 and 1. (The empty parentheses are required.)
ROUND(x, n) Rounds x to n decimal places.
SIGN(x) Returns the sign of x. (Returns +1 if x > 0, −1 if x < 0.)
SIN(x) Returns the sine of x.
SINH(x) Returns the hyperbolic sine of x.
SQRT(x) Returns the square root of x (x > 0).
STDEV(x1, x2, . . .) Returns the standard deviation of x1, x2, . . . .
SUM(x1, x2, . . .) Returns the sum of x1, x2, . . . .
TAN(x) Returns the tangent of x.
TANH(x) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x.
TRUNC(x, n) Truncates x to n decimals.
VAR(x1, x2, . . .) Returns the variance of x1, x2, . . . .
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